Legal training and practice provide a strong foundation in critical thinking, analysis, and advocacy. These skills drive the talks I give, the stories I tell, and the art I make. 

Legal aid lawyers represent diverse clients to achieve justice. This requires them to engage both in self-examination, and examination of the social, economic, and legal structures which stand in the way of equity. Legal aid representation on behalf of limited-English proficient and undocumented clients, clients struggling with generational poverty and dispossession, and clients from marginalized communities requires an advocate to build empathy and awareness for the conditions that shape clients’ lives. 

As lawyers, we are trained to understand that the words we choose and the way that we communicate matter. Our practice requires effective listening, careful negotiation, and the efficient synthesis of new information and changing dynamics. All of these are done in a highly regulated professional environment, where missteps are corrected by colleagues, arbiters, regulators, and the bar. Because of her training and background, Sofia brings an even, empathetic, and rigorous commitment to the truth to each story she tells.

Sofia Ali-Khan

Combining the analytical skills of a lawyer with the gift of storytelling, Sofia’s trainings offer unique perspectives and lasting insights.


Northeastern University School of Law, J.D.

New College of Florida, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, B.A.

Legal Experience

Prairie State Legal Services, Rockford, IL

  • Attorney

  • Language Access Director

American Bar Association, Chicago, IL

  • Assistant Counsel

Community Legal Services, Philadelphia, PA,

  • Director, Child Care Law Project

  • Co-Director, Language Access Project

  • Attorney, Public Benefits Unit

Massachusetts Superior Court, Boston, MA

  • Law Clerk

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Boston, MA

  • Legal Intern

Greater Boston Legal Services, Boston, MA

  • Legal Intern

Community Organizing and Leadership

Member, Human Rights Equity and Advisory Committee, ***** District School Board, 2023-2026

Judge, New American Voices Book Award

Anti Jewish/Muslim Bias Committee, Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom

Board Member, Assoc. for Public Religion & Intellectual Life

Founding Vice Chair, Council on American Islamic Relations-Philadelphia (CAIR-Philly)

Moderator, Muslim Women in Sacred Spaces Symposium

Contributing Editor,

Founder/Director, Philadelphia Chinatown Medical-Legal Initiative

Board Member, Pennsylvania Immigrant and Citizenship Coalition

Advisory Board Member, Liberty Center for Survivors of Torture

Staff Researcher on Gendered Violence, Women’s Project

Children’s Advocate, Advocates for Battered Women

Intern, Gateway Ranch Cultural Exchange Center and on-reservation Diné-led School

Founder and Organizer, Sarasota Chapter of National Clothesline Project